PowerPoint 2010 merupakan yang terbaru dan masih jarang digunakan pleh kebanyakan orang-orang.  Bagi Anda yang ingin membuat presentasi dengan menggunakan PowerPoint 2010 dapat mempelajari teknik-teknik dan trik membuat slide presentasi dengan mendownload ebook PowerPoint 2010 Advanced.

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Excell 2010-advanced
Bagi Anda yang sedang menolah data penelitian atau sedang mengerjakan tugas dengan menggunakan program Excell 2010, Anda dapat mempelajarinya langkah-langkahnya disini,,
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Bagi Anda yang sedang menulis atau menyusun tugas akhir/skripsi anda,,silahkan dilihat tata cara penulisan skripsi berikut ini,,

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The diverse structures, biosyntheses and biological activities of fungal metabolites
have attracted chemists for many years. This book is an introduction to
the chemistry of fungal metabolites. The aim is to illustrate, within the context
of fungal metabolites, the historical progression from chemical to spectroscopic
methods of structure elucidation, the development in biosynthetic studies from
establishing sequences and mechanisms to chemical enzymology and genetics
and the increasing understanding of the biological roles of natural products.
Fungi occupy an important place in the natural world. As non-photosynthetic
organisms they obtain their nutrients from the degradation of organic material.
They use many of their secondary metabolites to secure a place in a competitive
natural environment and to protect themselves from predation.
Fungi are ubiquitous and their activities affect many aspects of our daily
lives, whether it be as sources of pharmaceuticals and food or as spoilage organisms
and the causes of diseases in plants and man. The chemistry of the
fungi involved in these activities has been the subject of considerable study,
particularly over the last 50 years. Although their ramifications can be large, as
in the spread of plant diseases, the quantities of metabolites that could be
isolated precluded much chemical work until the advent of spectroscopic
methods. Whereas many natural products derived from plants were isolated
before the 1960s on a scale that permitted extensive chemical degradation this
was rarely the case for fungal metabolites. However, whenever it was possible,
interesting chemistry was discovered.

download e-book here

Bagi adik adik yang saat ini sedang duduk di kelas XII IPA atau XII IPS,tentu ada pelajaran Matematika ,disana ada materi tentang Integral.Tidak sedikit siswa yang mengalami kesulitan untuk memahami materi ini,walaupun sudah diterangkan oleh guru Matematiaka dikelas.Nah kami menyediakan konsep tentang Integral berikut latihan soal praktis agar mudah menguasai Integral.

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